If you are struggling with pain, muscle weakness and fatigue after COVID-19
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a pandemic disease caused by SARS-CoV-2). WHO reports 44,050,0009 people in India infected with COVID-19.
People had severe infections with post infection symptoms remaining for long period. Many had moderate symptoms during infection phase, and later they recovered completely.
But there is a large proportion of people who were asymptomatic during the peak phase of infection, but are showing late symptoms due to post viral syndrome and assault due to virus itself.
The hypoxia (low levels oxygen saturation in blood) and reduced physical activity due to the disease leads to systemic inflammation, which affects many systems of the body including the muscles, bones and joints. These symptoms are noticed during the infection phase, after the infection and after COVID vaccination. One of the study from Tamilnadu, India reported post COVID incidence of joint pains in 15% and muscle pains in 44% of the infected patients.
The regular therapies are not effective in COVID pains
The associated metabolic syndrome requires a careful planning of exercises to avoid injury to muscles, joints, liver and kidney.
Medical nutrition, properly planned exercises and management of co-morbidities-together helps in early recovery.
TotalRehab has been actively involved in the management of active COVID cases during the 2nd and 3rd waves of the pandemic. During the process, we have closely monitored patients for pain symptoms and helped them with early diagnosis, avoid customary medications (which had no benefit), reassurance, diet and supplements, exercises to restore normal function.
Consult the physician specialist to know what diet and supplements are right for you