Squatting And Cross-Leg Sitting When There Is Muscle Imbalance Causes Knee Pain

Risk of fall and back pain increases after Knee Replacement Surgery


Knee pain is a prevalent issue, particularly among women and adolescents, often stemming from overuse or direct injury. Factors such as barefoot movement and minimal strap support in footwear exacerbate the strain on knee muscles, especially for Indian women who spend a significant portion of their day standing in kitchens. Hormonal changes during menopause further contribute to muscle imbalances, leading to discomfort and joint wear.

The COVID-19 pandemic’s work-from-home culture and associated weight gain had heightened the risk of knee problems like ligament strains, meniscus tears, and osteoarthritis. As restrictions ease, the resurgence of activities like commuting and exercising has led to a surge in knee pain cases.


Recognizing Symptoms:

Patients may experience various symptoms, including pain, swelling, and difficulties with mobility. These can manifest during activities such as climbing stairs, standing up from chairs or the floor, and ascending inclines.


Surgery Considerations:

While knee replacement surgeries are increasingly common, they’re not suitable for everyone. Natural knees are preferable, especially considering challenges with balance on uneven surfaces post-surgery. Individuals with specific risk factors, such as age, diabetes, or osteoporosis, should carefully evaluate the benefits against the potential complications.


Conservative Management:

Physiotherapy and rehabilitation play crucial roles in managing knee pain. While routine treatments like short wave diathermy may not suffice, a well-planned rehabilitation program can prevent the need for surgery in many cases. Total Rehab offers comprehensive care, including pain management, biomechanical correction, and muscle retraining. Our innovative therapies, like PEMF therapy, show promising results even in older patients, promoting cartilage regeneration and cyst healing.

At TotalRehab, we prioritize holistic approaches to knee health, empowering patients to maintain functional, pain-free joints throughout their lives. Reach out to us today to start your journey towards total knee wellness.


Avoiding Knee Pain During Post-COVID Exercise Resurgence

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a surge in people engaging in various exercises and sports, recognizing the role of general fitness in boosting immunity. However, many are finding themselves in physiotherapist or doctor’s clinics due to knee pain. Unaware of lingering long COVID symptoms, individuals may push themselves beyond their physiological limits, leading to knee discomfort.

It’s essential to recognize that excessive or improperly planned exercise can exacerbate existing health issues, including knee pain. Prioritizing professional guidance and listening to your body’s cues are crucial in avoiding unnecessary strain and injury during post-pandemic fitness pursuits. If you’re experiencing knee pain or other discomfort, it’s advisable to seek medical attention and adjust your exercise routine accordingly for a safe and sustainable fitness journey.

A well planned rehabilitation program can help prevent surgery in many individuals. Also, if the patients are seen in early stages, then functional, pain free joints can be maintained throughout the active phase of life. The treatment involves reducing pain and swelling by physiotherapy / medicines, restoring the structure of soft tissues around the knee joint, biomechanical correction with orthoses (external supports) and restoring the tension in myofascia, and retraining of the function of muscles around the knee. At Total Rehab, we have found regeneration of eroded cartilage and healing of subchondral cysts with PEMF therapy happening even in old patients.

X-ray images before and after treatment

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